Join DAAR as the County Honors Lars Henriksen with a Resolution of Appreciation

Two years ago, a small group of dedicated volunteers were given the tremendous task of creating a new road map and vision for the future growth and development in Loudoun County.  DAAR was honored to have our Past President, Lars Henriksen, participate as a member of the Envision Loudoun Stakeholders Committee. He and his fellow committee members spent countless hours developing a new Plan for Loudoun. On July 19, the Loudoun 2040 Comprehensive Plan was presented to the Loudoun County Board of Supervisors.

Join DAAR on Tuesday, September 4, 2018, as the Board of Supervisors honors committee members with a Resolution of Appreciation in recognition of their hard work and dedication. The Board presentation is scheduled to start as early as 6pm at the Loudoun County Government Center. It would be great to pack the room with DAAR Members! Please stop by to support our DAAR representative as he receives the Resolution.

The Loudoun County Government Center is located at 1 Harrison Street, SE, Leesburg, VA 20175. The Board room is located on the first floor.

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