5 Important Facts About the 2020 Census

The 2020 Census is right around the corner. Below are five facts about the upcoming Census.

1. Residents will receive an invitation by mail to complete the Census in mid-March.

The invitation will include information on how to respond online. Subsequent reminders will include a paper form if the household doesn’t respond online. If the household doesn’t respond by May, a Census employee (enumerator) will visit their home.

2. Everyone counts.

From 1 day to over 100 years old, everyone counts. If the count is accurate, Loudoun receives more resources to build stronger communities. Everyone that lives in your home should be included on the form. All ages, immigration statuses, and related/non-related residents should count. You do not have to be a US citizen to count, as this is a count of everyone living here. If your children are split between households, they should be counted where they spent most of their time.

3. The 2020 Census is safe.

There is no citizenship question on the 2020 Census. Your response cannot be shared with any other government agency, including law enforcement. Your Census response does not impact your housing or public benefits.

4. The 2020 Census is easy.

The 2020 Census is only 10 questions long and should take only 10 minutes to complete. The 2020 Census will be available in 13 languages, online, and by phone.

5. The 2020 Census is important.

The 2020 Census helps more Loudoun families to thrive. Your response ensures that Loudoun receives its fair share of funding to help your family. It also helps Loudoun to secure more funding for school meals, healthcare, access to affordable housing, and other key programs. Furthermore, Census data helps determine where new hospitals, businesses, and schools are built and improves roads and public transportation options.

Need additional information? Learn more at loudoun.gov/census2020.

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