2020 Year in Review

A Message from 2020 DAAR President, Barry Taylor

Dear DAAR Members,

I cannot say enough how proud I am to have served as your 2020 DAAR President.  As the year comes to an end, I look back at 2020 with many memories and sentiments, but also with an overall feeling of achievement.

DAAR had many successes in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.  We started the year off strong with a newly remodeled office and storefront.  If you haven’t had the chance to see the renovations, I encourage you to stop by and take a look once you’re comfortable doing so. 

As the pandemic struck, DAAR had to quickly adapt and continue to provide services to members in new ways.  We continued our efforts to educate REALTORS® and provide education online.  DAAR was the first Association in the area to move their classes to a virtual platform and have been a resource to other Associations in modeling their online education.  Not only were we the first, but DAAR is leading the pack with the most virtual attendees for our classes.  This year, we had over 2,180 class registrations and 165 classes. 

In June, DAAR welcomed our new CEO, Amanda Brewer, and she has been a great addition to the team.

The Association had many successful events this year, including our Awards Ceremony and Annual Meeting & Conference.  We were able to raise over $4,400 in monetary and gift card donations for our 2020 charity partners through a golf tournament and two food drives.  We were also able to raise over $43,500 in RPAC contributions to continue to support the careers of REALTORS® and protect private property rights.

DAAR also launched a new virtual shopping platform, RStore, and a new Market Reports Library.  Those can be accessed through the DAAR website; I encourage you to explore them.

Those are just a few highlights from this eventful year.  As an Association we were able to rise to the challenge of the pandemic and thrive.  And we will continue to do so.  I am proud of the work the Executive Committee, Board of Directors, and DAAR staff have accomplished.

I look forward to working with your 2021 Incoming President, Nancy Pav, and the 2021 Board of Directors.

It has been an honor serving as your 2020 President, and I leave you in good hands.


Barry Taylor
2020 DAAR President


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