DAAR, Loudoun Business Leaders Update BOS on “Must-Haves” for Zoning Ordinance Rewrite

Earlier this month, the Dulles Area Association of REALTORS® (DAAR), the Loudoun Chamber of Commerce and several other business leaders from the community met with the Loudoun County Board of Supervisors to provide a list of essential changes that must be made to the Zoning Ordinance Rewrite draft before it’s passed into law. 

While many improvements have been made throughout the extensive rewrite project, there are still several necessary revisions that must be put in place to not only ensure that the homeownership rights of Loudoun County residents are protected, but to encourage smart growth in the county moving forward.

The list of “must-have” changes proposed to the Board of Supervisors include:

  • Allowing modifiability of the Zoning Ordinance specific to Appendix C
  • Addressing attainable housing standards, including modifiability of parking and removing restrictive covenant requirements
  • Adding language to address grandfathering
  • Improving data center standards to ensure minimal impact on residential zones

These changes do not encompass the full scope of issues with the Zoning Ordinance draft, but have been identified as the most pressing as they would undoubtedly impact development in Loudoun County.

DAAR members will have an opportunity to share their thoughts during the Board of Supervisors public hearing on July 26, 2023. Please join us for public comment and urge the Board to make these important changes before the new Zoning Ordinance is adopted.

For more information on DAAR’s advocacy efforts, please email Government Affairs Director, Sophia de la Torre at sdelatorre@dullesarea.com.

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July 17, 2023

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