DAAR News and Updates

Effective July 1, 2019, Unlicensed Assistants Can Either be Employees OR Independent Contractors

If you think this is a new law, you are right. July 1st marks the enactment of this and other…


Loudoun County Short-Term Rental Registration Opens July 1, 2019: Real Estate Licensees Exempt

Many operators of short-term residential rental property in Loudoun County are required to register their rental property every year with…


Virginia REALTORS® Select 2020 Leadership Team

At the Summer 2019 Board of Directors meeting, elections were held to determine two spots on the Virginia REALTORS® 2020…


What’s in the Loudoun 2019 Comprehensive Plan for the Real Estate Industry?

The Loudoun County Board of Supervisors finalized the Loudoun County 2019 Comprehensive Plan on June 20, 2019. The plan includes…


DAAR partners with NAR in Supporting AHP Efforts

The Dulles Area Association of REALTORS® supports the National Association of REALTORS® defense of the Department of Labor’s Association Health…


Continuing Education in July Focuses on Industry Leading Topics

DAAR’s Real Estate School is dedicated to meeting the needs of your professional development by offering more classes and seminars designed…


Bright MLS Subscription Fees Decrease for DAAR REALTOR Members on 7/1

MLS fees are set to decrease next month for DAAR REALTOR members and other REALTORS belonging to a shareholder association.…


May 2019 Loudoun County Market Trends Report: Inventory Tightening Slows

Overview While inventory continues to hover near historically lows, the year-over-year decline in the number of active listings was notably…


Coming Soon: Understanding this Status in Bright

Properties in the Coming Soon status are listings that are getting ready to be shown, but aren’t yet available for…


Join Us and Commemorate National Homeownership Month

  June is National Homeownership Month, a time to celebrate and promote the American Dream of owning a home. Homeownership changes…