DAAR News and Updates

Register for Bright MLS Training Classes!

Bright MLS is excited to offer Conversion to Bright training classes to help you get to know the new Bright…


Join us for Bright MLS Conversion Training on November 1st and 2nd!

Important for all REALTORS: Bright MLS Conversion Training Begins Tomorrow! Join us for training at DAAR, on Thursday, Nov 1…


New Education Requirements in 2019 for Brokers and New Licensees

Beginning January 1, 2019, all brokers and new licensees (1 year or less) will have new education requirements! No hours…


Power Up: Bright MLS Preview Begins October 29th!

DAAR Members! Your estimated conversion date of Tuesday, November 20th, 2018 to Bright MLS is about four weeks away! Bright is excited to…


DAAR Members Say Yes! for Housing that is Affordable and Attainable in Loudoun County

CALLING ALL DAAR MEMBERS! We need you to join with DAAR President Holly Weatherwax and stand up for the real…


September 2018 Loudoun County Market Trends Report: Inventory continues to tighten as prices increase and closed sales decline

Overview Continuing the recent trend, inventory in Loudoun County tightens further. There were 1,240 active listings in September, the fewest September…


Last Chance! Weigh in on the Proposals to Route 15

Loudoun County wants your feedback on three proposals for Route 15 between Montresor Road and the Point of Rocks Bridge.…


Need to Know: New Law Regulating Real Estate Teams – Effective 1/1/19

Are you working as a real estate team?  A new law approved during 2018 Virginia General Assembly session, and supported by…


MRIS Conversion Process to Bright MLS Begins October 15th

The MRIS conversion to Bright MLS begins next week.  Bright MLS will convert subscribers by county of their office location, beginning…


Access National Bank Offers Great Rates (plus NO FEE any ATM) for REALTOR® Members

DAAR REALTOR® members can now take advantage of an exclusive offer from Access National Bank on an above-market interest rate Executive…