DAAR News and Updates

Use Articles to Educate to Drive Sales – Write for the Loudoun Times Mirror!

You may want to put more weight on content marketing and white papers in your marketing plan. A new study…


Gain Exclusive Access to Purchase a .realestate Web Address

Introducing .realestate—the newest unrestricted top-level domain for the real estate industry, and a way for you, as a REALTOR, to increase…


Update: MRIS and TREND Conversion to Bright by the End of Year

DAAR was informed this week that kick off meetings are underway for planning the conversions of MRIS and TREND subscribers…


NAR Call for Action: Congress Must Reauthorize the National Flood Insurance Program

The current National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) is set to expire on July 31st if there is no Congressional action.…


Route 28 Widening, Route 9 Traffic Calming on List of Approved Road Projects

The Northern Virginia Transportation Authority (NVTA) adopted its first six-year transportation program, which includes dozens of projects designed to reduce…


Weigh in on the Future of Housing Near the Loudoun Gateway Station

One of the primary reasons why Loudoun County has not planned new housing developments close to the future Loudoun Gateway…


What the Association Health Plan Rule Means for REALTORS®

The U.S Department of Labor (DOL) has finalized its long-awaited Association Health Plan (AHP) rule to expand the definition of "employer"…


Need to Know: New Laws Effective July 1st Webinar

Earlier this month, Virginia REALTORS® Deputy General Counsel, Erin Barton, and Staff Counsel, Jon Haley, provided an update on the laws…


Check out Recent Caveat REALTOR® Podcasts on EMD and Teams

Earnest Money Deposits Laura and Jon talk about the risks involved for real estate licenses with regard to confirming that…


NVAR Standard Form Changes – Effective December 1st, 2019

NVAR Standard Forms Changes The following updates to NVAR Standard Forms went into effect on December 1, 2019: 1. Residential…