DAAR News and Updates

You’re Invited: Learn Why the Loudoun 2040 Plan is Important to You, 4/3, 9:30AM

On Wednesday, April 3, 2019, members of the Government Affairs Committee will meet with Jeffrey Salmon, Loudoun County Planning Commissioner.…


What Everyone Should Know About Equal Opportunity Housing

April 2018 marks the 50th Anniversary of enactment of the Fair Housing Act of 1968. The law recognizes that all…


2018 Flood Insurance Rates Expected to Rise

On April 1, 2018, National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) premium rates are set to rise an average of 8%. This…


Passage of FY 2018 Spending Bill Critical Step for Affordable Housing Funding and Flood Reauthorization

The U.S. House and Senate voted Thursday to fund the federal government through September 30, 2018. The 2,232-page bill contains…


NAR Webinar: $1.5 Trillion Infrastructure Plan: Opportunities for You?

The Trump administration has released details on its plan to leverage $200 billion in federal funds to generate $1.3 trillion…


Submit Your Ideas for DAAR’s 2019 Legislative Positions

Are you concerned about an issue that impacts the real estate industry? Do you know of a legislative or regulatory…


Commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the Fair Housing Act

Join DAAR in Commemorating the Fair Housing Act April 2018 marks the 50th Anniversary of enactment of the Fair Housing…


Dedicated Funding Plan for Metro Awaits Action by the Governor

The fate of providing dedicated funding for Metro is in the hands of Governor Northam. Members of the Virginia General…


VA Legislative Session Comes to an End – Almost

Last week the Virginia General Assembly adjourned for the year. Almost all of the bills advanced by the Virginia REALTORS®…


NAR Urges Permanent Mortgage Forgiveness Debt Exclusion

The exclusion for forgiven home mortgage debt following a foreclosure, short sale or loan modification should be made permanent to…