Landlord vs Tenant

Virginia Landlord Tenant Law Changes

Join us quarterly in 2019 to get up-to-date changes from Karen Daily, EKKO Title, that could impact your practice.  It is recommended that you attend all four classes as they will build upon each other.  Come to learn during this one & half hour information session about the laws.  10:00a.m. to 11:30a.m. .

Register now by clicking on the dates below.


November 4

For the last class, we will be taking a deep dive into the eviction process – from breach letter to lawsuit


Last year, the Common Law Virginia Landlord Tenant Act and the Virginia Residential Landlord Tenant Act received significant changes.  The changes made significantly impact your practice – whether you are a listing agent or a buyer’s agent for rentals.  The instructors will be teaching four different classes on the Common Law Virginia Landlord Tenant Act and the Virginia Residential Landlord Tenant Act.  Sign up today as you won’t want to miss out on this opportunity for an in-depth discussion of these two important statutes.


Are you interested in hands-on training?  If so, you might want to attend our Working with Renters Workshop.


Teresa Kirkhart, Director
Professional Development
571-229-6452 (direct)