Now Accepting Applications for DAAR’s 2025 Board of Directors

DAAR is seeking candidates to become part of our 2025 Board of Directors. As a part of DAAR’s leadership, you help to strengthen our Association and lead DAAR into the future.

Serving your Association as a Director includes:

  • Developing valuable skills in leadership, governance, industry relations, and strategic planning
  • Decision making and problem solving
  • Expanding your professional reach and network
  • Growing the value of your membership

Open Positions:

  • Four (4) REALTOR® seats


Must have been a DAAR members for at least two years. See full list of requirements.


  • REALTOR® Seats – three-year term
  • Attendance at Board meetings, trainings (4 per year), and DAAR events

Board Meetings:

  • January
  • March
  • May
  • July
  • September
  • November

How to Apply:

  • Complete and submit the online form by July 31, 2024.Board Application


  • After the application deadline, candidates will be contacted to schedule an interview.
  • Nominating Committee will interview candidates (August 2024).
  • Nominating Committee will forward recommendations to the Board of Directors.
  • Board will review and provide notification of the recommended candidates to the membership.
  • DAAR membership will begin voting on the recommended candidates in September, and voting will conclude in October.
  • The results of the election will be read at DAAR’s Annual Meeting in November.

Meet Your Current Board of Directors

Meet the Board of Directors

Questions about becoming a Director?

Contact DAAR’s Interim CEO & 2023 President, Allan Marteney.