SentriLock® Lockbox Services
The Dulles Area Association of REALTORS® offers SentriLock® lockbox services, the leading electronic lockbox manufacturer and service provider for the real estate industry that makes showing and selling properties safe and efficient. You may purchase your SentriLock® subscription authorizing the SentriKey™ Real Estate app (formerly SentriSmart™ app) which allows you to manage your Lockbox inventory, view access logs and control your personal settings related to lockbox features and more.
Need help with the App?
Check out this new training video below! Click to get an in-depth tutorial of the app!
Frequently Asked Questions:
What is the cost of a SentriLock® Subscription?
SentriLock® subscription for REALTORS®: $137.80 (including tax) + $50 one-time activation fee.
Please note that SentriLock® subscription charges are due annually. The annual lease fee, prorated quarterly, is due at the time of issuance. The subscription authorizes use of the SentriKey™ Real Estate app. Lockbox hours have been automatically extended for REALTOR® members to 8:00am – 9:00pm. Click here for a copy of the Lockbox Regional Rules and Regulations for REALTOR.
SentriLock® subscription for Affiliates: $159 (including tax) + $50 one-time activation fee.
Please note that SentriLock® subscription charges are due annually. The annual lease fee, prorated quarterly, is due at the time of issuance. The subscription authorizes use of the SentriKey™ Real Estate app. Click here for a copy of the Regional Lockbox Rules and Regulations for Affiliates and Personal Assistants.
SentriLock® subscription for non-member licensees: $355 (including tax) + $150 one time application fee.
Please note that SentriLock® subscription charges are due annually. The annual lease fee, prorated quarterly, is due at the time of issuance. The subscription authorizes use of the SentriKey™ Real Estate app. Click here for a Non-Member Licensee SentriLock application.
How do I access a showing in a remote area if that listing is not using a Bluetooth Lockbox?
If you’re going to a showing in a remote area and that listing is not using a Bluetooth Lockbox, we have an answer for you, too. The My Schedule function in the SentriKey® Real Estate App is your solution, and this can be facilitated through the Listing Agent, creating the appointment directly in the SentriKey® Real Estate system. Once the showing is scheduled, and the SentriKey® Real Estate app detects low or no cellular coverage, a Mobile Access Code will be presented in the SentriKey® Real Estate app. You will then enter this code in your lockbox. No card needed, no reception needed, no Bluetooth needed.
What is the cost of the SentriLock SentriGuard® REALTOR® Lockbox?
SentriGuard® lockboxes are $145.22 (Tax Included)
How do I purchase a SentriLock® subscription, lockbox or reader from DAAR?
For more information or to set up an appointment to purchase any component of the SentriLock® system, contact Membership Services at or call 703-777-2468.
What is the charge for reinstatement?
If your subscription is turned off for failure to pay dues, license being returned to DPOR or violation of the Lockbox Regional Rules and Regulations, Subscriber Agreement or Code of Ethics (see link) there will be a $35 reinstatement fee after all issues are resolved.
Which jurisdictions offer access rights (Reciprocity) on my SentriCard® and SentriSmart App??
Log into your account in the SentriLock system at Once you are logged in click on the “My Account” tab, then scroll down for the section “Authorized Regions”. This section will list all active areas that your SentriCard and SentriSmart App can access.
Does DAAR allow temporary access to Lockboxes via One Day Codes and SentriConnect™?
Yes. One of the many benefits of the SentriLock® lockbox for listing agents is the ability to provide temporary access to appraisers and contractors to a property. This access is now available for DAAR REALTOR® members. Listing agents can use the SentriKey™ Real Estate app (formerly SentriSmart™ app) to grant temporary lockbox access with SentriConnect™ to bluetooth lockboxes using firmware version 50.44 and above. This access is secure and trackable and can be provided to contractors and out of area agents. The person granted temporary access will receive an invitation to install the SentriConnect™ mobile app to access the property for a specified period of time. The listing agent will receive instant notifications when that person opens the lockbox. The temporary access can be changed or revoked which gives the listing agent more control of the property. It allows the listing agent to know who has accessed a property, the time that it happened and for how long. The SentriKey™ Real Estate app (formerly SentriSmart™ app) can also be used to generate a One Day Code for temporary access (120 minutes entry access per house) to the NXT (non-bluetooth) lockboxes. For more information, click to view our post on one day codes.
Although DAAR allows One Day Codes and SentriConnect, DAAR Affiliates may purchase a limited access subscription to SentriLock® . As a DAAR REALTOR® member, how do I provide a CBS code to a DAAR Affiliate with a limited access SentriLock® subscription wishing to access my lock box?
You can assign one CBS code for all your boxes and keep that code handy to provide to a DAAR Affiliate with a SentriLock subscription seeking access to your lock box. To obtain the code:
- Log on to the website using your UserName and Password
- Click on ‘Default Lockbox settings’ on the left hand side
- Your CBS code will be displayed under “Call Before Showing” settings.
- Give this code to any affiliate you would like to have access to your lockboxes.
- This code does not change, but can be changed. Please call Sentrilock Support for more details.
I am experiencing issues with my SentriKey™ Real Estate app (formerly SentriSmart™ app), lockbox or reader. Who do I contact?
Contact Sentrilock® support by website or 1-877-SENTRILOCK (736-8745)
How do I know if the batteries are running low in my lockbox?
If the lockbox has been accessed by another agent or you and the batteries were low, the SentriLock® system will send you an email notification that the battery is low. If the lockbox is not accessed during the low battery period, a notification is not sent. If a lockbox sits idle for a period of time, we recommend that you check the box for low battery.
What happens if my SentriLock batteries die?
As you may know, SentriLock sends you an email/text message if your lockbox(es) are in a low battery state. Please note that these notifications are only generated per Lockbox access via an updated SentriCard. If no one is showing your listing or if the box is sitting in your office or car you will not receive a low battery message. For that reason, you may want to check your battery level often especially during the cold weather months when battery levels tend to deplete.
If your lockbox batteries die, you will have to come to the DAAR office for assistance. Staff will provide you with a power paddle that will boost the batteries in the lockbox long enough to use your key to open the lockbox to replace the new batteries. Dead battery service is only available when the DAAR office is open, and you will need a credit card as a security deposit for the power paddle.
To avoid having to utilize dead battery service, DAAR is pleased to offer Lockbox batteries $7.50 a pair (plus tax) in our REALTOR® Store. Each Lockbox requires two batteries. For instructions on how to replace batteries click here.
Can I purchase batteries for my lockbox from other distributors?
You can purchase batteries that fit the lockbox from suppliers other than SentriLock® and the Association, but you run the risk of voiding the warranty on the box if an electrical problem results. SentriLock® encourages you to purchase Association batteries which we distribute on behalf of SentriLock in order to maintain your lockbox warranty.
How do I obtain feedback about my listings through SentriLock?
SentriLock® offers a way for you to obtain feedback about your listings. SurveyMagik integration for Showing Feedback allows a listing agent to set up custom surveys for their listings. After a new survey has been created, REALTORS® showing a property using their SentriCard® or SentriSmart App will receive a Showing Feedback email to take a survey about the listing.
Review the Showing Feedback Getting Started Manual to begin using this service.
I am looking for additional training resources on SentriLock®. How do I find that information?
SentriLock® offers a comprehensive searchable system guide for agents, a series of training and tutorial videos covering every aspect of the system and focused training covering SentriKey.
For more information or additional questions contact SentriLock® support by website or 1-877-SENTRILOCK (736-8745) or contact Membership Services at or call 703-777-2468.
What hours are the SentriLock boxes available for access?
Lockboxes that belong to DAAR members only allow access between 8:00 am and 9:00 pm. Any time after that the lockboxes are inaccessible.