DAAR Member Linda Thornell Earns GRI Designation

Linda Thornell, McEnearney Associates, Leesburg
The Dulles Area Association of REALTORS® is pleased to announce that Linda Thornell, McEnearney Associates, Lessburg, completed the REALTORS® Institute of Virginia program and have earned the Graduate REALTOR® Institute (GRI) designation.
“Completion of the coursework for the GRI designation represents a commitment to industry knowledge and professionalism that not all agents make,” said Beckwith Bolle, President, Virginia Association of REALTORS® in a letter to the brokers of each graduate. Support of advanced education is shared by DAAR. “By investing their time and hard work, these DAAR members will make a very positive impact on the real estate industry,” said Phyllis Stakem, DAAR President.
GRI is a nationally recognized designation attained by members of the National Association of REALTORS®. The program focuses on developing and increasing participants’ professionalism and skill set in order to strengthen their value to consumers. Student must successfully complete 60 hours of coursework covering various areas of real estate, including ethics and professional responsibility, working with buyers and sellers, risk management, business planning, negotiations, and legal issues. For more information about the Graduate REALTOR® Institute, visit https://www.virginiarealtors.org/for-members/education/gri-realtor-institute/.