Everyone Counts! Take Part in the 2020 Census

participate in the census social media graphicEvery ten years, the United States Census Bureau conducts a count of everyone in our nation. The next census will begin in the spring of 2020.

It is important that Loudoun County receives an accurate count of our residents because so many things that matter to this area are determined by the census. The people of Loudoun County depend on their fair share of funding for programs like affordable housing opportunities, road construction, free and reduced school lunch, and health care benefits.

When the time comes, participating in the census will be fast, easy and safe. There are just ten questions and ways to respond online in 13 different languages. The information provided is confidential, whether provided online, by phone or by mail.

Every household will receive a postcard in the mail this spring. It’s important to make sure everyone who lives in the household — from infants to older adults — is counted.

Census Day is April 1, 2020. Look for the postcard in the mail in mid-March and remember, a few minutes can help shape Loudoun County’s future!

Click here to learn how you can help alleviate your client’s privacy concerns about the census.
Visit loudoun.gov/2020census for more census information.