DAAR REALTOR Members! Your Bright conversion is on Tuesday, 11/20. Are you ready?
DAAR REALTOR Members! Your conversion to Bright MLS is on Tuesday, November 20th. Your MRIS account will no longer be valid. Now that you’ve logged into Bright, you have probably noticed that you will now be using “Search” to locate listings and “My Listings” to enter listings. These may look familiar to you, but there are some differences you will need to learn. Here are some things you can do to make sure you are prepared: |
Identify what is and isn’t converting to Bright. While all of your listings, listing photos and listing documents will be converted into the new system, some of the things you created and saved in your previous MLS (as well as a few features) will not be. It’s important to understand each of these things, so you can gather any important information now and be prepared on your Activate day when you will no longer use MRIS. Find out what’s converting and what’s not here . |
Run a search and check your active listings. Although Search is powered by Matrix, there are differences that you will need to get used to. Take some time to run a search and confirm you’re seeing the listings you expect and that the information available is complete and accurate. You can also practice searching for comps and creating CMAs. Watch this video to learn more about searching in Bright. |
Practice entering a listing. This is very important. Bright Listing Management is different than what you’ve been using. Take time to practice going through initial listing setup and full entry for Residential listings as many times as you want during your preview. Watch this video to learn how to enter a listing. |
Get familiar with status and rule changes.Some of the less-obvious difference you’ll need to get used to involve changes to the rules, statuses and available property types. It’s important that you become familiar with these nuances, as well as the new rules and definitions that impact your listings. You can learn about these changes here . |
Not sure how to begin? Our Quick Start Guide will walk you through each of these tasks. You can download the guide here . |
Have conversion questions?
Need Support? |
Our Support Center is available to answer any questions 7 days a week. 1-844-55-BRIGHTDue to a higher volume of calls during the conversion, we are experiencing longer wait times. Check out the Online Support Center to get answers to your questions. |