Act Now to Protect Association Health Plans

Virginia Realtors LogoVirginia REALTORS® Action Alert
We need your help to protect lower cost health options for you and your family!

Earlier this year, Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring entered Virginia in a lawsuit against a U.S. Department of Labor ruling that expanded the definition of “employer” to include “working owner” in Association Health Plans (AHP).

Virginia REALTORS® support the ruling and oppose Attorney General Herring’s lawsuit. With the expanded definition, REALTORS® might soon be able to purchase cheaper healthcare insurance through Association group plans.

While more work is needed at the state and national level to get the full benefit of this policy, the U.S. Department of Labor ruling is a solid step in the right direction.

Please contact Attorney General Mark Herring to let him know that his lawsuit threatens the option of more affordable healthcare insurance for you and your family.

sign the petition here

Courtesy: Virginia REALTORS®