You’re Invited: Learn about Key Transportation Issues in our Region on 1/9, 9:30AM

On Wednesday, January 9, 2019, members of the Government Affairs Committee will meet with Jason Stanford, Executive Director of the Northern Virginia Transportation Alliance. The Committee invited Jason in order to learn more about the Alliance’s 2019 legislative and regional priorities, other transportation-related issues that could surface during the 2019 Virginia General Assembly session, and ideas on how to address transportation issues in our region.

Jason oversees the day-to-day operations of the Alliance, including long-term planning, transportation policy analysis, advocacy, and community outreach. The Alliance is committed to enhancing the quality of life in our region by improving its transportation infrastructure. For 25 years, Alliance research and outreach have helped drive regional transportation progress. The Alliance is focused on maintaining reliable funding sources and implementing  a performance-based, multi-modal plan for the expansion of our transportation infrastructure while maintaining our current transportation investments.

The January 9th meeting runs from 9:30-11:30 am and is open to DAAR members. Since additional seating may need to be arranged, please contact Brenda Morton at (703) 777-2468 or if you are not a current committee member and wish to attend.

2019 Government Affairs Committee: Mike Wagner, Chair; Mary Walker, Vice Chair; Brenda Morton, Liaison. The Committee monitors local, state and national proposed legislation; recommends and coordinates appropriate calls to action with the state and national associations; keeps membership informed on issues and promotes involvement; and makes recommendations to the DAAR Board of Directors on new legislative issues and prioritization of issues.