
Presentations Available: 2019 Economic Summit – What’s In Store for Housing and Beyond

April 5, 2019

Over 150 members and guests attended DAAR’s Economic Summit: What’s in Store for Housing and Beyond on Friday, April 5th, 8-11AM at Loudoun County School Administration Building, 21000 Education Court, Ashburn, VA. The event offered an opportunity for REALTORS® in the Northern Virginia and Loudoun County area to understand housing and economic trends and forecast for […]

The Time is NOW: Say Yes for Homes in Loudoun County!

April 4, 2019

It’s time for you to Say Yes for Homes! and tell the Board of Supervisors that you support housing policies to help build vibrant communities by addressing the housing shortage. Sign up to speak at one of the Loudoun County Public Hearings about the draft Loudoun 2040 Comprehensive Plan. Supervisors are hearing a lot from […]

Federal Court Vacates AHP Rule Provisions

April 4, 2019

On March 28, 2019, the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia struck down parts of the Association Health Plan (AHP) rule finalized by the Department of Labor last summer that expanded access to health insurance benefits through these plans. In this case, twelve attorney generals (AGs) filed suit against DOL challenging the final […]

New Approved Development Plans Near Future Rail include Greenway Alternatives

April 3, 2019

At the March 21, 2019, meeting, the Loudoun County Board of Supervisors approved the Silver District West development by a vote of 8 to 1, with Leesburg District Supervisor Kristen C. Umstattd voting no. The approved applications are for development of a 158-acre, transit-oriented, mixed-use community between Loudoun’s two new Metro stations that includes a […]

Full Package CE in April Focuses on Industry Leading Topics

March 27, 2019

DAAR’s Real Estate School is dedicated to meeting the needs of your professional development by offering more classes and seminars designed to give you the resources and knowledge to stay on top of your business. DAAR is offering in-classroom industry leading CE courses designed to fulfill all 16 required hours within two days for Sales Agents […]

Update on Requested Changes and Known Issues with Bright MLS

March 27, 2019

The lists below are key requests and known issues that have been found in Bright MLS within the last few months as of March 26th, 2019.  It is not an exhaustive list.  Bright MLS prioritizes each item and provided timeframes for when each change will be completed. These are noted in the following ways: 30: Within 30 […]

DAAR’s Economic Summit to Feature Top Regional Leaders and Economists

March 26, 2019

Join us for DAAR’s Economic Summit on Friday, April 5, 8-11AM at Loudoun County School Administration Building, 21000 Education Court, Ashburn, VA. The event offers an opportunity for REALTORS® in the Northern Virginia and Loudoun County area to understand housing and economic trends and forecast for 2019 and beyond. Featured speakers include: The Honorable Phyllis […]

DAAR Members Say Yes! For Homes in Loudoun County: Housing Helps Build Vibrant Communities

March 21, 2019

Several DAAR members helped encourage the Loudoun County Board of Supervisors to approve a Comprehensive Plan that would increase housing availability and help continue providing vibrant communities in Loudoun County. Members gathered at the Board’s March 21st Business Meeting where Supervisors were presented with the County’s Loudoun 2040 Comprehensive Plan for review. “We strongly believe […]

April is Fair Housing Month: Important Resources Available

March 21, 2019

April 2019 marks the 51st anniversary of the 1968 landmark Fair Housing Act, which prohibits housing discrimination and draws attention to both the challenges that remain in housing and the achievements to ensure Americans equal access to housing options. This is a momentous occasion for the real estate industry. Because community is so central to […]

NAR Responds to Class Action Anti-Competitive Lawsuit

March 19, 2019

A class action lawsuit was filed on March 6th in the Northern District of Illinois against the National Association of REALTORS® and four large brokerage companies alleging that the defendants conspired to restrain price competition among buyer brokers via promulgation of NAR’s MLS rules.  NAR is sharing the following official statement: The complaint is baseless […]