Charting the Changes: Bright MLS Provides Important Update to Subscribers
March 9, 2018
The message below was sent to all Bright MLS subscribers providing an an update on past, present and future changes to expect with the system:Over the past year we’ve been busy building the foundation of the new Bright MLS system and on continued alignment of fees and policies across the entire Bright footprint. There have […]
Call to Action: Support the Association Health Plan Rule!
March 4, 2018
In an effort to expand access to more affordable, high-quality health insurance coverage, on January 5, 2018, the U.S. Department of Labor proposed a rule allowing self-employed individuals and small employers to purchase health insurance through professional or trade associations by expanding access to Association Health Plans (AHPs). An AHP plan would be treated as […]
Money Laundering in Real Estate: How is it done? How can we stop it? 3/23
March 2, 2018
Sponsored by George Mason University’s Terrorism, Transnational Crime and Corruption Center, the National Association of REALTORS is participating in an all-day conference featuring policy makers, law enforcement, academia, financial institutions, and other real estate sector representatives to better understand money laundering in real estate and how to counter the impact. Registration is free and lunch […]
DPOR Now Accepting Applications with Electronic Signatures
March 2, 2018
DPOR is now accepting applications with electronic signatures on them. This update is a significant perk for all REALTORS®, but particularly for firms that have remote offices. All forms can now be signed electronically instead of individuals having to sign a hard copy and then send the document back and forth. For more information, contact DPOR’s […]
Need Client-Outreach Content? Consumer Facing Articles for You
March 2, 2018
The National Association of REALTORS’ consumer-facing website, HouseLogic, features information and tips for property owners who want smart solutions to enjoy, improve, and maintain their home; for buyers ready to find their happy place; and for sellers ready for their next chapter! This month, the site has four new feature articles focused on making kitchens and bathrooms […]
New Pricing Structure for Bright MLS Data Feeds Announced
February 26, 2018
Bright’s philosophy is to provide a standard MLS product that offers core tools needed by most agents for a competitive price. In addition to the standard MLS product, Bright MLS also provides premium products, which are optional, and provided at an additional cost for those who want enhanced services for their clients. IDX, VOW or […]
DAAR’s Website Gets a New Look
February 23, 2018
DAAR launched a new that will enable improved communication with members through a variety of different means. With improved navigation and mobile and tablet device compatibility, the site has been redesigned to better serve DAAR members looking for information on member services, education, events, affiliate members and advocacy resources. The new site is redesigned […]
Feedback Needed to Help Improve Your MLS Experience
February 23, 2018
DAAR is aware that as part of the transition from MRIS to BrightMLS to create an improved user experience and more innovative MLS system, many have experienced performance issues with the system. DAAR has been working collaboratively with our neighboring associations NVAR, PWAR, FAAR and GPAAR, all of whom are currently experiencing the same situation. […]
IRS Clarifies Home Equity Loan Interest Deductibility
February 23, 2018
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has issued a news release (link is external) clarifying that in many cases, interest paid on home equity loans remains deductible under the new tax reform law. Many questions have arisen on this issue, as many media reports on the new tax law indicated that as of 2018, interest is no […]
Safety Alert: Beware of Suspicious Caller
February 19, 2018
According to the Greater Capital Area Association of REALTORS, female REALTORS® in DC Metro area have been receiving calls from an individual identifying himself as Dwayne Bergeman. He states that he is relocating from Oregon, but will not answer simple questions. The caller insists he wants to see houses in a high value price range. A […]