FHFA Eliminates New Fee on Mortgage Refinances
July 29, 2021
The removal of the fee will help distressed owners refinance to more economically stable positions. On July 16, 2021, the Federal Housing Finance Agency announced it would remove the Adverse Market Refinance Fee (AMRF) from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac home loans. Beginning on August 1, 2021, the fee elimination would make it less costly […]
Board Dedicates $12.4M to Expand Broadband Access in Loudoun
July 28, 2021
During public comment, some residents who called in to speak remotely were inaudible due to their connectivity issues. On Tuesday, July 20, 2021, the Loudoun County Board of Supervisors voted to allocate over $12.4 million to bring broadband to underserved communities Loudoun. This unanimous decision will boost expansion efforts to western parts of the county and, […]
Association Health Plans Bill Introduced in U.S. House
July 27, 2021
“Your AHP legislation will once again allow AHPs to offer comprehensive coverage at lower costs than traditional individual market plans” – NAR President Charlie Oppler. On July 20, 2021, H.R. 4547, the Association Health Plans Act of 2021, was introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives and was referred to the Committee on Labor and […]
June 2021: Market Indicators Report
July 21, 2021
Click here for the full June 2021 Loudoun County Market Indicators Report for the Dulles Area Association of REALTORS® by Virginia REALTORS®. Key Market Trends Sales continue to outpace pre-pandemic levels in most parts of the county. There were 951 total sales in Loudoun County in June, a 29.7% spike from a year ago, and […]
U.S. Supreme Court Upholds Private Property Rights in Landmark Ruling
June 30, 2021
NAR deems the outcome a victory for the future defense of property rights. It may also have broader implications for similar government measures. On June 23, 2021, SCOTUS ruled that a California regulation allowing union organizers to enter farmland for the purpose of uniting workers was unconstitutional by a 6-3 vote. The case, brought by […]
Supreme Court Rules CDC Exceeded its Authority in Issuing Nationwide Eviction Ban
June 30, 2021
“With the pandemic waning and the economy improving, it is time to restore the housing sector to its healthy, former function.” — Charlie Oppler, NAR President. In a 5-4 ruling on Tuesday, June 29, 2021, the United States Supreme Court (SCOTUS) said the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) lacked the authority to issue […]
Join our Leadership Team
June 30, 2021
DAAR is seeking candidates to become part of our 2022 Board of Directors. As a part of DAAR’s leadership, you help to strengthen our Association and lead DAAR into the future. Serving your Association as a Director includes: Developing valuable skills in leadership, governance, industry relations, and strategic planning Decision making and problem solving Expanding […]
Loudoun Board Votes on Airport Noise Disclosure Requirements
June 28, 2021
Loudoun County’s Board of Supervisors voted to make notifications of the Dulles International Airport’s fifth runway plan mandatory for people looking to buy homes in that area. At the June 15, 2021 vote, members of Loudoun’s Board of Supervisors addressed the findings of the 2019 noise study. Amid discussions of a possible fifth runway coming […]
Turning the Corner: 2021 Annual State of the Airports Luncheon
June 25, 2021
Getting people back into the office and relaxing international travel restrictions are among the critical milestones needed to return ‘Back to Normal,’ according to MWAA CEO John Potter. On Thursday, June 24, 2021, Committee for Dulles hosted the 2021 State of the Airports Luncheon with John Potter, President and CEO of the Metropolitan Washington Airports […]
SCOTUS Decision on FHFA Leadership Structure
June 24, 2021
In a 7-2 majority, the Supreme Court (SCOTUS) ruled on Wednesday (6/23/2021) that the structure of the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) was unconstitutional. Background: The FHFA is the regulatory body that oversees Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, two of the nation’s largest federally backed home mortgage companies. The agency was created in 2008 under […]