
Join Us and Commemorate National Homeownership Month

June 13, 2019

  June is National Homeownership Month, a time to celebrate and promote the American Dream of owning a home. Homeownership changes lives and enhances futures, and many Americans see it as one of their greatest hopes. These individuals are counting on the nation’s 1.3 million REALTORS® to champion and protect homeownership and help make it more […]

75 Years of VA Home Loans: New Changes to the Process for Appraisal Requests

June 12, 2019

This month marks the 75th anniversary of the GI Bill, which provides financial resources to veterans who aspire to become homeowners and serves as an avenue bringing military business your way. The milestone comes at a symbolic time, as June is National Homeownership Month. Since becoming law in 1944, the GI Bill’s Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Home Loan […]

June 2019 Primary Results for Loudoun County

June 12, 2019

Congratulations to the following candidates for winning their primary elections. Democratic Party primaries: Member, Senate of Virginia, District 31 Barbara A. Favola Member, Senate of Virginia, District 33 Jennifer B. Boysko Member, Virginia House of Delegates, District 87 Suhas Subramanyam Member, Board of Supervisors, Sterling District Koran T. Saines Sheriff  Justin P. Hannah Republican Party […]

NVAR Standard Forms Changes Effective July 1, 2019; Attend Class on 6/27

June 10, 2019

You’re invited to learn about updates to NVAR Contract Forms on Thursday, June 27, 2019, 10AM-12PM, DAAR, Ashburn.  Featured speaker Sarah Louppe Petcher, S & T Law Group, will review and answer key questions regarding the changes effective July 1st, 2019.  Free for DAAR Members.  Register online here. For more information, view the flyer. NVAR forms changes effective July 1st, 2019: 1. Residential Sales […]

NAR Legal Webinar: The MLS Hour: Off-MLS Listings – Thursday, June 20th

June 6, 2019

Off-MLS Listings have quickly become a hot button issue across the country. Join NAR Associate General Counsel Charlie Lee and NAR MLS experts on Thursday, June 20th, 2PM for a webinar discussion about how NAR MLS Policy addresses these types of listings. They’ll also cover legal considerations and other operational concerns when dealing with these […]

DAAR Announces SentriConnect™ and One Day Codes

June 3, 2019

One of the many benefits of the SentriLock® lockbox for listing agents is the ability to provide temporary access to appraisers and contractors to a property.   We are pleased to announce that this access is now available for DAAR REALTOR® members. Listing agents can use the SentriSmart® mobile app to grant temporary lockbox access with SentriConnect™ […]

Social Media Boot Camp: Develop your Game Plan on June 7th

May 31, 2019

Do you want to ramp up your social media marketing? Join us for a FREE in-person training on Friday, June 7th, 10AM-12PM or 1PM-3PM at DAAR, Ashburn where you’ll learn how you can successfully use social media in your real estate business. Designed exclusively for real estate professionals, topics will include: Introduction to social media for the real […]

It’s Time to Vote – 6/11 Primary Election

May 30, 2019

It’s Primary Election time in Loudoun County. On Tuesday, June 11th, voters in Loudoun County will head to the polls to nominate candidates for offices to be voted on in the November 5th General Election. Democratic Party primaries will be held for the following offices: Member, Senate of Virginia, District 31 Member, Senate of Virginia, […]

REALTORS® Confidence Index (RCI): Low Inventory Major Issue Affecting Transactions

May 30, 2019

REALTORS® have long reported low inventory as a major issue affecting transactions. That continued in April, according to the REALTORS® Confidence Index (RCI) survey. The REALTORS® Confidence Index (RCI) survey gathers monthly information from REALTORS® about local real estate market conditions, characteristics of buyers and sellers, and issues affecting homeownership and real estate transactions. The […]

You’re Invited: Learn About the Future of Housing in Loudoun County, 6/5, 9:30AM

May 24, 2019

Are you interested in finding out how many homes could be built in Loudoun County? Do you want to know where they might be built and what they might look like? Join us on Wednesday, June 5, 2019, when the DAAR Government Affairs Committee meets with the Deputy County Administrator Charles Yudd for a discussion […]