Gain Exclusive Access to Purchase a .realestate Web Address
July 6, 2018
Introducing .realestate—the newest unrestricted top-level domain for the real estate industry, and a way for you, as a REALTOR, to increase visibility into specific aspects of their business. From to, the possibilities are endless. Beginning Sept. 18, REALTORS® with an active .realtor™ domain gain exclusive access to purchase a .realestate web address before it becomes […]
Update: MRIS and TREND Conversion to Bright by the End of Year
July 6, 2018
DAAR was informed this week that kick off meetings are underway for planning the conversions of MRIS and TREND subscribers to the Bright system. Leadership teams of brokers, agents and association executives are being formed to provide insight into their needs and to ensure critical information and capabilities they rely on are in the Bright system when […]
Route 28 Widening, Route 9 Traffic Calming on List of Approved Road Projects
June 28, 2018
The Northern Virginia Transportation Authority (NVTA) adopted its first six-year transportation program, which includes dozens of projects designed to reduce traffic congestion throughout the region. Out of the $1.285 Billion approved, $508.7 million is allocated to projects in Loudoun County including: Dulles West Boulevard Widening: Loudoun County Parkway to Northstar Boulevard Evergreen Mills Road Intersection […]
Call for Virginia REALTORS Applications: 2019 Committees
June 4, 2018
Virginia REALTORS® is now accepting applications for 2019 Committee volunteers. The completed form is due to Virginia REALTORS® by 5:00 PM on Friday, June 29, 2018. If you are interested in this unique opportunity to have a direct impact on the state level, we invite you to apply for a committee that you are interested […]
New Features on the SentriSmart® app! Touch ID and Facial Recognition, Agent Safety
May 31, 2018
We are excited to announce an update to the SentriSmart® app that is available NOW!. The two new features are: Touch ID and Facial Recognition Agent Safety Touch ID and Facial Recognition Android and iPhone users will now have the ability to set up Touch ID and Facial Recognition to quickly and easily access your […]
Sardone Celebrates 50 Years of Service to the Industry
May 29, 2018
Earlier this month, Jerry Sardone, Jerry Sardone Realty LLC, celebrated fifty years in the business at a First Fifty Years celebration at Greenhill Winery in Middleburg. The Jerry Sardone Realty landmark building on Route 7 in Sterling has served the community for decades. Seven years after the Dulles Area Association of REALTORS® (originally the Loudoun County Board […]
MRIS System Performance and Sold Listing Status Update
May 9, 2018
MRIS System Performance Update As many know, the MRIS system has experienced overall system slowness as well as specific significant incidents of slowness over the past few months. According to a recent MRIS Bright MLS update to Associations, several key issues have been identified and addressed. It is believed that changes made have improved the experience for MRIS subscribers on […]
NAR: More Health Insurance Options Needed for REALTORS
May 9, 2018
NAR recently submitted comments to the Department of Health and Human Services’ Notice of Proposed Rulemaking amending the definition of short-term, limited-duration insurance to extend the maximum period from less than three months to no longer than twelve months. In the comment, NAR advocated for more affordable health insurance options for consumers and specifically REALTORS® […]
MRIS Bright MLS Provides Update on Challenges with System Performance
April 26, 2018
Last week, DAAR received communications from several members concerning issues submitted to MRIS Bright MLS including system slowness, auto email malfunction, new listing notification lag to clients, Showing Time and contract status inaccuracies, and customer service center response time. Members who are experiencing challenges receiving resolutions to these and other issues are welcome to communicate […]
Loudoun County Offers Homeownership Grants for Employees
April 26, 2018
If you are working with a buyer who is an employee of Loudoun County Government, they may be eligible for the Loudoun County’s Public Employee Homeownership Grant Program (PEG). The program offers a grant of a secured loan to employees of the County of Loudoun, Loudoun County Public Schools and Courts and Constitutional officers. Loudoun […]