March 2021: Market Indicators Report
April 20, 2021
Click here for the full March 2021 Loudoun County Market Indicators Report for the Dulles Area Association of REALTORS® by Virginia REALTORS®. Key Market Trends Sales growth continued in Loudoun County for the ninth straight month, though the pace of growth moderated. There were 619 home sales in Loudoun County in March, 52 more […]
Virginia Real Estate Board Issues Guidance Document on Source of Funds
April 19, 2021
Effective as of Friday, April 16th, VREB’s Guidance Document addresses how to navigate housing discrimination issues now that “source of funds” is a protected class in the Commonwealth. As of July 1st, 2020, the Virginia Fair Housing Law was amended to include anti-discrimination measures for source of funds. This means that “source of funds” has […]
NAR: As Lease Addendums Rise, Marijuana Businesses Adapt by Purchasing Commercial Property
April 15, 2021
Key Highlights Members residing in states with legalized marijuana saw an increase in demand for warehouses. Nearly half of those in states that legalized marijuana prior to 2016 have seen addendums added to leases restricting growing on properties. There is an increase in purchasing properties for marijuana-related businesses instead of leasing. WASHINGTON (April 16, 2021) […]
Board of Supervisors Adopt $3.3 Billion Budget; Tax Rate Lowered by 5.5 Cents
April 8, 2021
For the first time since 2008, Loudoun County’s real estate tax rate will fall below $1. However, the average bill for homeowners is expected to increase by 0.7% for Fiscal Year 2022. On Tuesday, April 6th, the Loudoun County Board of Supervisors approved a 2022 fiscal budget in the amount of $3.3 billion. The budget will […]
PRO Act passes in U.S. House: What the Bill Means for REALTORS®
April 6, 2021
On March 9th, the U.S. House of Representatives passed H.R. 842 – the Protecting the Right to Organize Act (the PRO Act) by a vote of 225-206. The real estate community has been buzzing with uncertainty since the PRO Act suddenly passed the House on March 9th, as many are unsure of how it will impact REALTORS®. If passed by the Senate […]
Loudoun County Board Reverses Goose Creek Development Decision
March 22, 2021
In a 6-2-1 vote, the 238-unit development proposal was reversed amid conservation and environmental concerns. On Tuesday, March 16th, the Board of Supervisors reversed their initial approval of the Goose Creek Overlook Development by a vote of 6-2-1, with one supervisor abstaining. The project, which was approved on March 2nd, has now been denied amid rising environmental concerns. A core component of the development was its proposed allotment […]
At Home With Diversity (AHWD) Certification
March 22, 2021
Expand Your Business and Horizons with the At Home With Diversity (AHWD) Certification Cultivating Multicultural Relations is Good for Business! REALTORS® know the importance of adapting and remaining relevant in today’s marketplace. By developing a business practice rooted in inclusion and equality, you can help buyers of all cultural backgrounds achieve the dream of homeownership. […]
February 2021: Market Indicators Report
March 19, 2021
Click here for the full February 2021 Loudoun County Market Indicators Report for the Dulles Area Association of REALTORS® by Virginia REALTORS®. Key Market Trends Market activity continues to outpace last year by double-digit rates in most local areas. There were 444 sales in Loudoun County overall in February, which is 100 more sales […]
President Biden Signs American Rescue Plan into Law
March 12, 2021
Yesterday, President Biden signed the $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief bill into Law. The bill, dubbed the American Rescue Plan (ARP), will provide $1,400 stimulus checks to most Americans (now including adult dependents), $300 per-week in unemployment aid for those without work, expand the Child Tax Credit, and provide other forms of immediate relief to American families. While there is no short way to synopsize the plan’s provisions in its entirety, the National Association […]
Greenway Bill Lands on Governor Northam’s Desk for Approval
March 4, 2021
HB 1832, introduced by Del. Suhas Subramanyam (D-87), and SB 1259, introduced by Sen. John Bell (D-13) have passed in both chambers of the Virginia State Legislature. The Virginia Highway Corporation Act (often called the “Greenway Bill”) has passed both the House of Delegates and the State Senate (33-5) as of late February. Now, the […]