
Dedicated Funding Plan for Metro Receives Final Approval in Virginia

April 19, 2018

Virginia will provide $154 million a year to support the Metro transit system. On April 18th, the Virginia General Assembly approved funding for Metro through a combination of existing sources, without an increase in the grantors’ tax (“congestion relief fee”). Throughout the process of approving Metro funding, members of the Dulles Area Association of REALTORS® […]

Enjoy Teaching Others? Register for Instructor Development Training

April 18, 2018

DAAR receives requests to instruct often.  We are happy to once again offer our Instructor Development training twice this year. Learn to be an instructor and receive hands-on training in this fun and dynamic class!  Topics covered include: Basics of adult learning Presentations based on objectives & goals Visual aids Student challenges Fear of public speaking Presentation […]

Fair Housing Makes U.S. Stronger

April 16, 2018

April 11, 2018 marked the 50th anniversary of the signing of the federal Fair Housing Act. This is a momentous occasion for the real estate industry. DAAR’s commemoration of the Fair Housing Act highlights how far we’ve come in promoting equal housing opportunity – both as a society and as an association – and, more […]

March 2018 Loudoun County Market Trends Report

April 13, 2018

Sales Rise Despite Persistent Low Inventory The following analysis of the Loudoun County, Virginia housing market has been prepared by George Mason University’s Center for Regional Analysis. It was prepared for the Dulles Area Association of REALTORS® by analyzing Bright MLS housing data from MarketStats by ShowingTime.  Overview For the 33rd consecutive month, Loudoun County’s […]

NAR Staff Experience a “Day in the Life” at DAAR and Member Offices

April 12, 2018

To become better informed about the real estate business, all National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) staff, beginning this year, are required to spend a day learning about member’s and association’s day-to-day business activities. Earlier this month, DAAR hosted Alan Gromest as part of NAR’s “Day in the Life” program who spent a day with leadership, […]

NAR Leadership Hosts Online Event to Discuss Proposed Budget, Dues Increase

April 12, 2018

NAR President Elizabeth Mendenhall and other members of the NAR Leadership Team recently discussed the association’s proposed 2019 S.M.A.R.T. Initiatives (Strategic Measures Advancing REALTORS®), during a Facebook Live program rec The budget to support S.M.A.R.T, which includes a proposed $30 dues increase to be voted on by NAR’s Board of Directors on Saturday, May 19th, focuses […]

NAR Hits Pause on Updating Iconic REALTOR® Logo

April 9, 2018

In response to concerns raised by members, the National Association of REALTORS® announced that it’s pausing the rollout of a newly redesigned logo picture to the right. NAR leadership states: Since we announced the brand evolution and logo redesign, we have received a diversity of opinions that ranged from strong support to outright disapproval. Please […]

Virginia General Assembly Wrap-Up

April 6, 2018

The 2018 Virginia General Assembly was extremely successful for the Virginia REALTORS®. VR’s Policy and Advocacy team worked hard to defend the rights of both REALTORS® and property owners. They also reviewed an impressive 213 bills, and all seven of the initiatives introduced as bills by the Virginia REALTORS® have passed. Click here to access the […]

Presentations Available: 2018 Economic Summit – What’s in Store for Housing and Beyond –

April 6, 2018

Over 150 members and guests attended DAAR’s Economic Summit: What’s in Store for Housing and Beyond on Friday, April 6th, 8-11AM at Loudoun County School Administration Building, 21000 Education Court, Ashburn, VA. The event offered an opportunity for REALTORS® in the Northern Virginia and Loudoun County area to understand housing and economic trends and forecast for […]

DAAR Members Presented With Fair Housing Resolution

April 4, 2018

Members of the Dulles Area Association of REALTORS® (DAAR) advocated for a Resolution to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the Fair Housing Act of 1968. On April 3, 2018, the Loudoun County Board of Supervisors presented the Fair Housing Resolution to DAAR President Holly Weatherwax, President-Elect Phyllis Stakem, CEO Christine Windle, and Government Affairs Manager […]