
Ready to Expand Your International Business Opportunities?

February 12, 2019

Friday,  April 8, 2019 8:00a.m. – 4:00p.m. Early-bird Registration Deadline – April 1, 2019   $80 This course provides: 7 hours of continuing education (Real Estate Related) 2 hours post licensing in (Current Industry Issues) This course is designed to present a picture of the changing face of the real estate industry. Since 1998, the program has […]

FEMA Revises Loudoun County Flood Insurance Rate Map

February 8, 2019

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), which is responsible for floodplain mapping and regulation throughout the United States, is revising the Loudoun County Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM). The revision will result in changes to the boundary and designation of the FEMA-delineated flood hazard areas within the Selma Estates development. To learn more about this […]

DAAR Members Joined with Hundreds of REALTORS® at the 2019 Virginia REALTORS® Economic and Advocacy Summit

February 8, 2019

Members the Dulles Area Association of REALTORS® (DAAR) joined with Virginia REALTORS® President Beckwith Bolle, 2013 DAAR President, and hundreds of REALTORS® in downtown Richmond for the 2019 Virginia REALTORS® Economic and Advocacy Summit. The Summit offered insights from industry experts and town hall sessions with local legislators. Several members from the DAAR Board of […]

Bright MLS Update: Leadership Changes and Improvements Expected

February 7, 2019

Bright MLS recently issued the following update to shareholder associations: Good afternoon Shareholders, We have been very busy with lots of change this week, but we continue to move forward, implementing updates that you and your members are requesting. Our goal with these updates is to provide you with the necessary information to communicate with […]

Loop in Your Clients with Homeowner Notifications!

February 6, 2019

New Feature Lets Clients Know When Home is Entered and Exited! SentriLock continues to improve the features of the electronic lockbox system and a much requested action has just been rolled out.  The new Homeowner Notification feature provides real-time notifications of when the key compartment is opened and when prospective buyers exit the property.  Set […]

Virginia REALTORS® Chief Economist Helps You Prepare Clients for Changes in the Federal Tax Rate

February 1, 2019

Many clients aren’t going to be aware of what Federal tax rate hikes might do to their buying and selling experiences. Virginia REALTORS® Chief Economist, Lisa Sturtevant, explains how these rate changes can impact the housing market and why these shifts might be a shock to clients. The Potential Impact of the Fed’s Actions on Interest […]

2019 Professional Standards Training – Postponed!

February 1, 2019

Due to Loudoun County School closure and inclement weather for today, February 1st, we are postponing the training until February 20th from 10:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.

Bright MLS Launches New Online Help Tool

January 31, 2019

Bright MLS launched a new online help system   that serves as a knowledge base for the system. Their support team intends to add help topics to this database to use as an ongoing resource. It is purposely designed for ease of use, so you can quickly find information and related articles based on your search criteria […]

Bright MLS Release Notes as of January 31st: Corrections and Improvements

January 31, 2019

The following release notes describing corrections and improvements to the Bright MLS system were made as of January 31st: Agent and Client Gallery Reports. Because of your feedback, we’ve added the Agent and Client Gallery Reports to your report options in Bright. These reports offer more listing information than the Thumbnail Report in a format […]

Get the Most out of Membership – Join a DAAR Committee Today!

January 28, 2019

One of the many benefits of membership is the opportunity to join a DAAR committee of interest.  Serving as a committee member will not only help guide the services and resources the Association provides to members but can benefit your business and work as a real estate professional.  The networking opportunities are invaluable, the insight […]