
Weigh in on the Future Growth in Loudoun This Week!

May 17, 2018

Calling all DAAR Members! We need you to make sure Loudoun County officials hear from REALTORS® as they develop a new Comprehensive Plan. It is your chance to help the County address critical issues, such as where new housing developments could be built, what infrastructure improvements are needed, and how to make better use of […]

April 2018 Loudoun Market Stats: Inventory and Sales are Down; Condos and Townhomes see Record Median Sales Prices

May 14, 2018

 Inventory and sales are down; Condos and townhomes see record median sales prices The following analysis of the Loudoun County, Virginia housing market has been prepared for the Dulles Area Association of REALTORS® by the Center for Regional Analysis at George Mason University based on analysis of MRIS multiple listing data from MarketStats by ShowingTime. Overview […]

Loudoun County Short-Term Rental Registration Process Begins in July

May 10, 2018

The Loudoun County Board of Supervisors recently adopted a new ordinance that requires some operators of short-term residential rentals to register with the county. Beginning July 1, 2018, property owners who rent their property for 30 days or less will be required to provide county officials with information about their rentals. Real estate licensees and […]

MRIS System Performance and Sold Listing Status Update

May 9, 2018

MRIS System Performance Update  As many know, the MRIS system has experienced overall system slowness as well as specific significant incidents of slowness over the past few months.  According to a recent MRIS Bright MLS update to Associations, several key issues have been identified and addressed.  It is believed that changes made have improved the experience for MRIS subscribers on […]

NAR: More Health Insurance Options Needed for REALTORS

May 9, 2018

NAR recently submitted comments to the Department of Health and Human Services’ Notice of Proposed Rulemaking amending the definition of short-term, limited-duration insurance to extend the maximum period from less than three months to no longer than twelve months. In the comment, NAR advocated for more affordable health insurance options for consumers and specifically REALTORS® […]

Rural Rules: Land Use Assessment Program and Rollback Taxes

May 9, 2018

Did you know that there is a Land Use Assessment Program in Loudoun County that provides a deferral of real estate taxes when a property meets qualifying standards for agricultural, forestry, horticultural or open space uses? The program is administered by the Commissioner of the Revenue’s (COR) office located at the Loudoun County Government Center […]

MRIS Bright MLS Provides Update on Challenges with System Performance

April 26, 2018

Last week, DAAR received communications from several members concerning issues submitted to MRIS Bright MLS including system slowness, auto email malfunction, new listing notification lag to clients, Showing Time and contract status inaccuracies, and customer service center response time.  Members who are experiencing challenges receiving resolutions to these and other issues are welcome to communicate […]

Loudoun County Offers Homeownership Grants for Employees

April 26, 2018

If you are working with a buyer who is an employee of Loudoun County Government, they may be eligible for the Loudoun County’s Public Employee Homeownership Grant Program (PEG).  The program offers a grant of a secured loan to employees of the County of Loudoun, Loudoun County Public Schools and Courts and Constitutional officers. Loudoun […]

Virginia REALTORS® Legal Hotline FAQs: EMD, Advertising, POA and more..

April 26, 2018

Risk management is at the heart of professional real estate practice. The Virginia REALTORS® Legal Resources are designed to keep REALTORS® updated on legal issues relevant to your real estate practices and to reduce exposure to risk.  The Virginia REALTORS® takes time to collect the most commonly asked legal hotline questions and answers covering a […]

Fair Housing and You – An Overview of the Fair Housing Act

April 23, 2018

The Fair Housing Act helps form the foundation of the real estate industry — the right to own property — and the Code of Ethics for REALTORS®. As stewards of the right to own, use and transfer private property, fair housing protects the livelihood and business of REALTORS®. Join with DAAR as we learn more […]