
Reminder: Don’t Let the Doors Close to Loudoun’s Future!

April 18, 2019

Supervisors are hearing a lot from people who do not want another home built in Loudoun County. People who oppose future residential development are mobilized and they are vocal. Don’t let others decide to close the door to Loudoun County’s future. Sign up to speak at one of the Loudoun County Public Hearings on the […]

Loudoun County Offers Homebuyer Assistance Programs

April 18, 2019

Loudoun County offers two homeownership loan programs to assist buyers with down payments and closing costs when purchasing a home in the county. Down Payment/Closing Costs Assistance Program  The Down Payment/Closing Costs Assistance Program offers eligible borrowers the opportunity to borrow up to $25,000 or 10 percent of the home sale price – whichever is […]

Calling All DAAR Members: New Opportunities for You During Fair Housing Month!

April 16, 2019

April is Fair Housing Month! Come out and show your support for the real estate industry in Loudoun County during this historic month. Join with other DAAR members this Thursday as the Loudoun County Board of Supervisors issue and present to DAAR a Proclamation to commemorate Fair Housing Month. Please plan on showing your support […]

March 2019 Loudoun County Market Trends Report: Inventory Remains Tight While Prices Stabilize

April 15, 2019

Overview Inventory continues to decline, with new active listings providing no sign of future easing. New active listings declined 13.8 percent year-over-year, from 1,053 in March 2018 to 908 in March 2019. There were only 861 active listings in Loudoun County in March 2019. The number of active listings was 15.8 percent fewer active listings […]

Ready, Set, Speak! Say Yes for Homes in Loudoun County!

April 11, 2019

DAAR members are ready to see residential opportunities increase in Loudoun County. Our members know that a Plan could be set in place to help address the lack of housing affordability. It’s time for you to speak up and support the housing policies and strategies in the draft Plan that will help address the availability […]

The Time is NOW: Say Yes for Homes in Loudoun County!

April 4, 2019

It’s time for you to Say Yes for Homes! and tell the Board of Supervisors that you support housing policies to help build vibrant communities by addressing the housing shortage. Sign up to speak at one of the Loudoun County Public Hearings about the draft Loudoun 2040 Comprehensive Plan. Supervisors are hearing a lot from […]

DAAR Members Say Yes! For Homes in Loudoun County: Housing Helps Build Vibrant Communities

March 21, 2019

Several DAAR members helped encourage the Loudoun County Board of Supervisors to approve a Comprehensive Plan that would increase housing availability and help continue providing vibrant communities in Loudoun County. Members gathered at the Board’s March 21st Business Meeting where Supervisors were presented with the County’s Loudoun 2040 Comprehensive Plan for review. “We strongly believe […]

February 2019 Loudoun County Market Trends Report: Loudoun County Housing Market Remains Tight, May Ease

March 16, 2019

Overview The number of active listings in Loudoun County in February was the fewest February active listings in over a decade. As compared with data from January, however, there is some indication that the market may ease. Active listings increased from February 2018 to February 2019 in three of the eight zip codes analyzed. Furthermore, […]

Advocates in Action – We Need You to Say Yes! For Homes in Loudoun County

March 14, 2019

CALLING ALL DAAR MEMBERS! We need you to join with DAAR President Phyllis Stakem and stand up for the real estate industry in Loudoun County on Thursday, March 21st! That evening, the Loudoun County Board of Supervisors will hear about the draft Loudoun 2040 plan. DAAR wants to make sure they know that we say […]

You Can Help Improve the System of Care in Loudoun County

March 14, 2019

There is a spectrum of effective human services in Loudoun County. What’s missing is a coordinated system of care that meet the county’s human service needs. You can help by attending a meeting aimed at drafting a Human Services Strategic Plan and make your voice heard. The Plan will focus on the following areas: mental […]